Irish food businesses ‘hit hard’ by EU-Russia sanctions war

The ongoing tensions between the European Union and Russia over the crisis in Ukraine are creating obstacles for Irish exporters to Russia, according to the Ireland Russia Business Association (IRBA). IRBA, the non-profit which promotes trade links between the two...

Heineken rejects takeover offer from SABMiller

Heineken said it had “consulted with its majority shareholder” before rejecting the approach. It said the Heineken family, the founding family which still owns half of the firm, wanted to preserve the firm as “an independent company”. Heineken...

UK to sign nearly £2.4 billion in trade deals with China

(Reuters) Britain said on Friday that it was about to sign commercial deals with China worth more than 2.4 billion pounds, as Chancellor George Osborne prepared to meet China’s Vice Premier Ma Kai in London. Full details of the prospective transactions were not...

Investors see start-up future in the middle-aged (07/09/2014)

Forget about ivy-league college dropouts or teenage maths geniuses: the evidence points to a maturing industry with older entrepreneurs building highly successful technology enterprises from scratch. “One of the interesting things we’re starting to see...