With a population of  5. 12  million , Monterrey is Mexico’s  third-largest metropolitan  region and the country’s  second most significant economic hub  after Mexico City. Moreover, a quarter of the population is between the ages of  20 and 34 .  It is an important manufacturing hub and is located just 210 km from the Texas border. Monterrey is home to several of Mexico’s largest and most powerful enterprises, including FEMSA and Cemex. The city is a significant economic engine because of the presence of these enterprises, as well as regional offices for several multinationals. Monterrey is home to  30 institutions , including Tecnológico  de Monterrey (ITESM) and Universidad  Autónoma  de Nuevo León (UANL). As a result, the labor in the area is highly educated.

Business sectors  that are particularly strong in Monterrey are automotive, aerospace, home appliances, software and IT, healthcare, biotechnology, nanotechnology, agrifood, housing, and media/entertainment.

As Monterrey continues to attract businesses from various industries, it has become a strategic choice for companies looking to expand their operations in Mexico. Discover the myriad opportunities awaiting you in Monterrey by staying tuned for upcoming events and initiatives that can guide you through this dynamic business landscape!

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