World Trade Center Dublin

Your Gateway to Global Trade

What we do

The World Trade Center Dublin provides business and trade organisations across Ireland with a gateway to new international trade opportunities, collaboration, and education. It also serves as a resource for companies around the world seeking trade opportunities in Ireland.

Global Trade Insight

With 16 years of experience in the global trade service industry allows us to support companies looking to improve their global supply chain management and international competitiveness.

Established International Network

Our established network allow our clients direct market access into over 100 countries and present networking opportunities with trade partners around the world.

Digital Trade Platform

WebPort Global, a virtual access point to the resources, community, networks and opportunities critical to growth and success in international trade for small and mid-sized businesses.

Let Us Help You

Compare our membership options to find the plan that works for you and your business.

With membership to one of our three plans, services you can expect include:

• Global trade programmes and events
• Educational opportunities focused on international trade
• Networking opportunities with trade partners around the world
• Direct access into 100 countries around the world
• Guidance in improving your global supply chain management and international competitiveness.
• Tailored analytics and trade reports for your business
• Identifying trusted partners



  • Gateway Premium
  • Gateway
  • Student

Our Partners

A key objective of the World Trade Center Dublin is to raise the profile of Ireland internationally and promote it as a country of innovation, opportunity and talent. To pursue this mission, we are committed to forging strong partnerships both at home and abroad. Take a look at our current partners:


WebPort Global, consisting of world trade centers, chambers of commerce, trade organizations, trade service partners, banks, insurance companies, distribution and logistics companies, and SMEs provides a community of dedicated trade professionals that are eager to connect to new business opportunities. The network’s focus is to connect businesses, provide valuable trade information, and to promote SME business opportunities worldwide.

Join World Trade Center Dublin membership today to gain immediate access to this powerful international trade tool.

Global Trade At your fingertips