Explore FAQs about DUO Marketplace

We are pleased to offer WTC Dublin Members two exclusive benefits when you choose to work with Duo Marketplace

OFFER #1: Enhanced Sample Requests
To ensure maximum exposure for your brand, we will provide an additional five sample requests at no extra cost, totaling 15 guaranteed sample requests, regardless of your chosen subscription level. This invaluable advantage will continue as long as you utilize our services, allowing you to showcase your products to a broader range of potential buyers.

OFFER #2: Premium Shelf Placement on Gosto
Should you opt to leverage Gosto, our esteemed platform partner, we will prioritize your brand, granting you the prestigious top-shelf position on the Gosto Floor Display. This prime placement will elevate your brand’s visibility, captivating shoppers and driving increased sales. We recognize the importance of strategic positioning and are committed to maximizing the impact of your products within the Gosto

Find out more by emailing [email protected]

How does Duo determine the products they will represent?

We look for healthy snack brands, snack brands, frozen brands, supplement, beverages (non-alcoholic), condiments, food sauce

Will I be assigned an account manager?

Yes, for a central point of contact.  We all work together on the brands we represent.

Am I guaranteed that I will have a certain number of introductions in one month?

Yes!  15 or 20, depending on the subscription plan. 

How long do I share commission with Duo Marketplace once my product is with a retailer?

As long as you are subscribed. When your subscription ends, you can retain us for reorders only or not, your choice and if you choose not then there would be no more commissions owed.

Once my product is selected by a retailer, does Duo help to ensure that the shelf space is adequate?

Shelf space is up to the buyer, Duo does not have on site reps.

Does Duo provide sales forecasts once my product is selected?

No, we do not provide forecasts. This is something the larger brokers do for brands in distribution.  Direct sales is really hard to forecast.  We would need to know the brands marketing and advertising schedule for each market they landed in, sales from current retailers, average reorder times and it would still all be a guess.

Does Duo warehouse my samples?

We may explore this in the future.

Am I required to set up a certain payment system to work with Duo?

We do not take payments from the store, you will bill the store directly. The common terms in the US is Net 30.  Some stores will pay with credit cards but it is best to email a payment link directly to the store so they can pay with a card, PayPal, etc..

What are requirements that I must meet Duo to represent me in the U.S. Marketplace?

You must be able to send samples to the stores, ship your product by the case and your packaging must meet all the USDA requirements, nutrition label, ingredients and all in English.

How does Duo determine what retailers are the right fit for my products?

Based on the type of stores you choose and state, we have a proprietary custom system that matches brands to stores that are potential fits and creates a call list of matching stores. We have thousands of stores to call on.

Does Duo specialize in certain products?

We have worked with all types of brands from supplements to food to skin care. We have extensive experience with health related food, snacks, and gourmet food. 

Does Duo have relationships with distributors as well as retailers?

We do not work with any distributors at the moment.

What is the most recent success you have had?

Moms Munchies Sherman’s Tennessee Hot Crackers and Honey Bunchies.

If you don’t feel that my product will sell in the U.S. market, will you tell me before I enroll?

We have worked with hundreds of brands in the 13 years of being a broker. I still don’t know, just by looking or tasting, what products will do well.  The US is VERY big and tastes vary from state to state.  I would be remiss to say a product wouldn’t work here because I believe any product can.  You just need to find the audience.


If my product is successful on Gosto, am I guaranteed shelf space by that retailer?

Yes, if you are using our Gosto retail plan then the store will bring you in and sample you through Gosto