by WTCD | Mar 30, 2016 | Education & Training, News, Trade Blogs & Newsletter
In the last eight days at least four different terrorist attacks had been carried out all around the world.[1] Terrorism is the new 21st Century security dilemma, posing a security threat as never experienced before. What makes terrorism so fearful? Terrorism...
by WTCD | Mar 21, 2016 | Trade Blogs & Newsletter
Trend or Revolution? Skyr, amaranth, kefir, matcha powder…the names of the “superfood” of the week can leave anyone scratching their head. However, what might seem like a marketing trend of recent times is actually gaining traction for being more of a revolution in...
by WTCD | Mar 16, 2016 | Trade Blogs & Newsletter
Ireland has long-known been a hotspot for certain key industries, such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and computer hardware & software. But as we inch closer to closing the second decade of the 21st century, a new industry is beginning a rapid expansion that will...
by WTCD | Feb 29, 2016 | Trade Blogs & Newsletter
This article was originally supposed to examine the economic and social implications of the newly elected government in Ireland. But as I will discuss, this has been left uncertain still.. As those who have been paying attention to the2016 Irish General Election over...
by WTCD | Feb 23, 2016 | Education & Training, Trade Blogs & Newsletter
In the most recent leader’s debate held Monday 15th February, Stephen Donnelly of the Social Democrats highlighted that the political establishment did not understand business. Why has business anything to do with politics and governance some might say? Don’t be...
by WTCD | Feb 15, 2016 | Trade Blogs & Newsletter
Current State of Bitcoin Digital currency, once a pioneering industry, is now saturated with a multitude of offerings from the notorious Bitcoin, to newcomers like Zcash. However, when Bitcoin reached its peak price point in late 2013, its supremacy and growing...