Number of companies seeking Irish research increases 15pc in 2013

Companies are turning to Irish research organisations to tap their knowledge for commercial endeavours at a rate 15pc higher in 2013 over the previous year. The report undertaken by Knowledge Transfer Ireland (KTI) showed that the increase in the number of external...

Japan records smallest trade gap since June ’13

Finally, some good news for Japan: the country’s trade deficit was considerably slimmer than anticipated as exports rose at their fastest pace in eight months. The trade deficit came in at Y710bn in October, the smallest shortfall since June 2013 and down 26 per...

90% of firms to increase revenue

Higher revenues and larger workforces are on the way in 2015, according to a survey of more than 800 businesses carried out yesterday. PriceWaterhouseCoopers carried out its Business Barometer at its annual forum at Dublin’s Convention Centre. It revealed that almost...